Smart Solutions Blog

Increase Website Conversions

Written by Sharon Manderson | October 04, 2019

In order to convert visitors surfing the web into real paying customers, you have to do two things. You have to get the right target audience to land on your website in the first place. And, once they are there, you have to deliver an optimal user experience and a compelling message to get them to stay and keep coming back. 

When a visitor comes to your site, you have to almost instantly answer the question they’ll be asking themselves: “should I spend time on this site or should I continue to surf and find another more relevant, reputable business that can help me?”

Looking To Increase Web Conversions? 

Download our Tips to Boost Website Conversions presentation for effective methods to reduce your website’s overall bounce rate and increase conversions that lead to greater sales.

This presentation was recently given by Sharon Manderson, Smart Solutions CEO, at the bwtech@UMBC center of innovation in Baltimore.